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Optimizing the
Peaks & Valleys of Life

After more than a decade in corporate leadership roles, I realized I had a greater passion: helping individuals succeed and grow.


The pandemic, like many of you, impacted my outlook on the world and my position in it. It was always a dream of mine to use the skills I learned to coach individuals and I realized now was the time to make a change.


During a trip to Costa Rica, I looked out on a dramatic horizon with towering mountains and reflected on the peaks and valleys of my life. I looked back at the wins, challenges, transitions, and possibilities, and arrived at the creation of my company name: 5 Point Coaching.


Most of you know this mountainous journey: We seek to climb the peaks for personal satisfaction and glory, and perceive valleys as impediments, setbacks, or worse, failure.


My role is to help you identify the opportunities that lie in the professional valleys and build the skills that enable you to enjoy successive mountaintop views.


Learn more in my bio.

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